Tuesday, March 31, 2015

the favorites | february + march 2015

What an interesting couple of months! There was so much snow and ice that I thought I'd somehow wound up in Arendelle, and now today is as sunny as Corona.

On to the good stuff!


These past two months haven't seen that much change in my makeup routine. Having a lot of snow days makes me less desirous of doing a lot of makeup, but game days require at least a little bit of concealer along my jaw, or people will figure out that I'm a spy during the Resistance! For a lighter base, I've been enjoying blending out concealer like the Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser Dark Circles—someone needs to talk with the branding team—with either fingers, my Real Techniques Expert face brush or the Beauty Blender I received in my February Birchbox. Oftentimes, I will also use the Make Up For Ever Full Cover concealer in conjunction with the Maybelline. Together, they work quite well.

For color, I have become quite interested in warmer pinks. As a neutral-cool–undertoned woman with a hefty dose of pink in her skin, I've always gone for brighter, lighter pinks with blue undertones, but I thought I'd branch out since spring is now upon us. To that end, I've broken out my NARS One Night Stand palette, which I purchased back in November 2013, for the shade Deep Throat. I used to own a single of this blush, but I've since cleared out my stash, so my palette form is all that remains. It's quite sheer, but that keeps me from applying too much at a time. I also very much appreciate that the shimmer that runs through the blush is so subtle. No glitter-bombs for me, thank you very much!

For lips, I've been enjoying my Mom's Christmas present to me: the NARS Audacious lipstick in Dominique. It's such a unique shade, a medium-toned lavender with almost gray undertones. Its formula is lovely—very pigmented and not too slippy whilst not being drying. And while packaging is not the be-all end-all of good lipstick, sleek magnetic packaging never hurts. I've particularly enjoyed wearing this with the shades Cream, Light Bronze (look at that pan!), Pewter, and Mauve from my beloved LORAC Pro palette. I try not to feature the same products in my favorites posts because these would quickly become repetitive, but this color combination suits my gray eyes and fair, neutral-cool coloring. As you can see from the state of my palette, the shades can kick up quite a bit of dust, but for a relatively comprehensive palette, I don't think you can go wrong with this little guy.


I haven't yet featured video games on my blog because I don't play them all that often, but I've recently rediscovered some old favorites and one new one. Let me know if you'd like a more in-depth review of these at some future point.

First, a night of Battlefront II reminded me that Knights of the Old Republic is available for Mac. Naturally, I immediately went to the App Store and purchased it. I'm currently stuck defending the Ebon Hawk because I don't have a mouse, but I still love it. I've loved this game for going on seven years, but I've never finished it. Here's to hoping that I'll break that streak!

Second, I finished Professor Layton and the Curious Village over the course of three days. As you can tell from the above, I don't typically finish video games, but I was utterly drawn in with all the puzzles of St. Mystere. Fortunately, I've just found that there are five more games in the series, so I'll be purchasing the next one probably relatively soon if my birthday doesn't come up before then.

I hope that you all have had a lovely winter and early spring! Please feel free to let me know what other sorts of comments you'd like to see here.