Friday, October 10, 2014

the forum | changing seasons + halloween

Welcome back to another monthly forum! I realize that I skipped last month, so this time, I'm asking you about two topics.

First of all, those of us in the Northern Hemisphere are experiencing the fading of summer, while our friends in the Southern Hemisphere are gearing up for warmer temperatures. How are you planning to celebrate the changing seasons? I, for one, am brewing more tea than ever and relishing every chance to break out the slouchy sweaters and ankle boots!

Second, how are you planning to celebrate Halloween this year? Have you picked out a costume? I have both a Dead Authors Party and Halloween night in mind. For the former, I'm going as Joan Green as my beloved John Green frequently advocates the death of the author—it's a stretch, mind you, but I'm ecstatic for it! For Halloween itself, I'm going as Lorde, the queen of cool. Never will my eyeliner skills be so tested as October 31.

Let's get talking in the comments below!